Dive in, Head First!


Audience members wrote down associations or advice based on the Theme Dive in, Head first.

Around 11 pm of Thursday 26th January we finished our #BRAINCANDIES LIVE SESSION 8.

It was the first time we were “sold out” a week in advance, which makes us realize something big is happening.

Sold out our wedoTICKETS a week in advance.

I hosted SESSION 5 in June, Aiman hosted SESSION 6 in September, I hosted again SESSION 7 in November, and the last on, SESSION 8, was once again hosted by Aiman. It becomes apparent that a patterns has been going on in the last SESSIONS. We like to bring our own personalities to our SESSIONS, that is why we don’t share with each other the whole bag of tricks for the night.

People enjoying themselves at #BRAINCANDIES LIVE SESSION 9.

#BRAINCANDIES LIVE is about many things, it is entertaining, but it is not about entertainment. For some people it could translate in the non-most comfortable and relaxing evening, but hopefully this will transform in some positive consequences in our life, later on. We keep experimenting and asking feedback to design the best experiences, made by our audience, our host, our speakers and our team. With our next SESSION we are going to have our 50th speaker, and this makes us extremely happy.

Interactive wedoEXPERIENCE with the audience. The audience has to act out what is behind the person in front of the screen.

At #BRAINCANDIES LIVE SESSION 8 things happened. With tested for the first time our prototype of #BRAINCANDIES ACADEMY. Our 5 brave speakers of the evening were asked to come some 45 minutes before the start of the evening to receive an introduction of the evening, a technical run-through, a bit of warm up for the evenings and to connect with each other in a comfortable way. The plan is to develop #BRAINCANDIES ACADEMY, to help people to allow themselves to be themselves while speaking in front of an audience.

‍Warming up. Speakers participating in #BRAINCANDIES ACADEMY before the LIVE SESSION.

Talking about new things, Aiman introduced the Bingo-Call, as a way to call “volunteers” to be part of our wedoEXPERIENCES. A wedoEXPERIENCE is an activity to engage the audience in-between our talks, be it about coming on stage or interacting with each others. This time every seat had a number that was called, so there was no chance to escape for the some-time “uncomfortable” call (although people had one chance to pass it on). We are really curious to get your feedback on this!

‍Bingo-call, audience members were picked at random to take part in a wedoEXPERIENCE.

The theme of the evening was Dive in, Head First! and every one of our speakers decided how to approach it. Our first speaker was Stefan, a passionate young entrepreneur from Romania, who also became the “man” of the evening, since he was always on stage, during our wedoEXPERIENCES, and delighted us with his charismatic and caring personality.

‍Nineteen year old Stefan speaking about tackling blockages to reaching your goals.

Jaïr was speaker number 2. He defines himself as a creative entrepreneurs, although even call it like this could be limiting. He shared his passion for art and breakdance, and shared the important message to take a deep dive in the opportunities life presents to us, if we don't have a clear reason NOT to.

‍Jaïr shows us why you should always say: "YES!".

Laurentiu, our decision making guru, showed practical examples on the power of activation, in relation to how we make certain decisions and not others. His #BRAINCANDIES introduced the topic of decision making and behavioral science to our audience in a very practical and attention-grabbing way.

Laurentiu in the moment of his talk, sharing how as people we are influenced to make certain decisions.

Our number 4 speaker was Leah, an American woman, full of energy who brought to the attention of the audience her work with International Peer Support Network. IPSN helps internationals (and of course any local people who feel like joining their group) of the city of Eindhoven to, first of all, feel loved and connected with other humans around them, while providing a first line of support to deal with their (new) life abroad.   

Leah right after she gave her #BRAINCANDIES.

Edwin was the last planned speaker of the evening and he dared to read a deep and touching story, celebrating sorrow and the love for his son. I would like to thanks Edwin here once again for sharing this with all of us.

Edwin while him giving his #BRAINCANDIES talk.

Our last and awesome speaker, the 8th surprise speaker in the history of #BRAINCANDIES  was Rajath from India, giving a talk about overcoming fears and showing people how to overcome them concretely, just by coming on stage and share his story with us.

Rajath afterwards, glowing.

But we were not done with Rajath, after the closing remarks of our epic host Aiman, we were so lucky to get a surprise intervention of Nigel, an amazing multi-talented artist who shared with us his passion for singing.

‍Nigel in the moment, while he is singing amazingly.

We start liking to see ourselves as diversity advocates, because especially in these times, we recognize always more the importance of making people from the most diverse background come together, create the conditions to connect as human beings and to listen to each others. Thanks for everybody who has been part of this!

You can check more pictures and coming soon the edited videos on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/braincandiesorg/.

And you are always invited to join!