For any of our 100+ participants, #BRAINCANDIES means something different. Be it a way of relaxing, a place to experience fun and awkards moments, a place where to meet people with a warm heart and a different background, a place to prove themselves, a place to give it a try and listen to others. For us is becoming a way of making new bonds with our humans, new relationship, new friends, new people we can rely on.
This wall was empty before and it is going to be empty afterwards, but when we are in the room, it gives energy to people.
First we show the faces of the people behind this…
… then we show the faces of the people in front of this :).
And the people in front of this can literally be superhuman.
Or a super-awesome human.
But it is not only about our speakers. Would you have ever guessed it was Forrest Gump?
Well she did! :). It is about everyone who comes to experience what #BRAINCANDIES is about.
Maybe it was easier to guess who Forrest Gump was, than to sell a toothbrush to an audience of kids (pretending the audience was made of kids).
This is what we do, we allow people to go out of their comfort zone. We give creative ways to make strangers interact with each others.
And the energy we create together is great. People will smile.
But will also connect and be serious.
Or reflect on what it means to have an identity in today's globalized world, as Oscar from Guatemala made us think about.
Knowing that if we don't experiment how to behave like normal humans again, we might forget about it.
Wrapping up, every time with new reflections…
… friends, emotions, and a wonderful evening in our memories box.